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WA- retiring paed not contactable


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I’m guessing if you’re in WA & have a child with Autism/ADHD etc whos paed is retiring you’ll know who I’m talking about. 

But what’s with being uncontactable for the last 3 weeks and scripts runnning out. Finally today I get an email response saying he’s on leave for two more weeks and no scripts will be given. 

My kiddo is trying to do his ATAR and is currently loosing his mind with no medication. So frustrating. 

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That’s terrible. There seems to be a few starting private work and only lasting a couple of years before going back to the public system. The waitlists are already terrible. Is it RC?

Did you have any warning? Is his GP able to co-prescribe? If not, given your DS’s age, I would see if you can find a psychiatrist (not east to do but probably easier than a paed). 


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Okay have no idea about this person, but I have a family member on a fairly complex mix of psychiatric medications.  I always thought we had to go to the psych to get the prescription, but no - the regular GP can do it.  Made life so much easier.

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That is awfu! Have you been given a referral to someone new? Or can your child see an adult psychiatrist now? 

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@HoneyBear GPS can only prescribe what I suspect is adhd meds if they are a designated co-perscriber. It’s a very specific class of medication and I was told not even all peads can write the scripts in WA, only those who have registered or something. (We see a consultant pead through the public system). 

@Cat12 what is the psychiatrist waitlist like? I don’t know much about their accessibility in WA. (Where I do live). I’d be very tempted to ask around. When you get ahold of the pead ask them to write up a co-prescribing agreement (we have one except it’s my GP who has retired!). Sell it as while you wait for a new specialist to become available. 

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I’ve managed to get him accepted on to a psychiatrists books, but they offered me an initial consult on October. When I explained the situation they very kindly fitted us in in early July. 

I might ring around for a co prescribing GP in the meanwhile, but we’re in a regional area and options are limited. 

Saphy - not RC.
I did see Constance Hall had a huge moan publicly about the same thing happening to her this week too, but she said their paeds fb page said he was on leave unexpectedly. You would assume it was the same one because they’re both in Perth, but mine doesn’t have a fb page. 

Got an email auto reply today saying they were unavailable until the 15th and wouldn’t be writing scripts. 

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