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Allergies in babies


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We did a baked egg challenge with DD, she thought it was great as she got yo eat cake! The peanut challenge she failed because she refused to eat a new food in strange surroundings. Would not open her mouth at all. Was very frustrating st the time, but funny to look back on. 

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We've just done the third dose. He got a few small spots after the first one but nothing else so far. The other two kids here have both reacted and had telfast so DS is last man standing.

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He passed!!!

We have to do daily feeding of peanut for the next week, then make sure he has equivalent to 2tsp per week. He is keeping his action plan at the moment but we have a review with his specialist in March.

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  • 2 weeks later...

just came in to say - well done on your DS passing.

But many years ago when my 6th baby was starting on solids, she would get a rash around her mouth when having baby rice.. 😮
The child health nurse kept telling me that there was no way she would be reacting to baby rice as did the GP .
We did get her in for allergy testing and she tested positive to allergies for Eggs, Potatoes and Nuts!!
So after this the CHN & GP took back what they said.
Over the years DD has outgrown her Egg & Potato allergies, but unfortunately she is highly allergic to nuts - including airborne .. and apparently only 2% of the population have that component of reactions....
We had a blood test done for her nut allergy and she came back 99.9999% ... so yes she is highly allergic to nuts and we have been told to avoid all nuts....  

Another of my children used to react to some fruits and other things, but we think it was more of a salicylates and amines reaction, and thankfully he outgrew that.

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