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Weight loss support thread


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I'll join.

I thought I did a post here the other day, but it's not here - I probably did it wrong.

Currently 84.3, top of normal BMI for me is 66Kg. :shock: So about 18 to go..... But 66 sounds pretty skinny.... I'll see how I feel as I go.

Following a keto diet from Deborah Murtagh's website. Find her site glitzy and commercial, but her info is good.

Started at 89.5, got to 84 over 4 weeks, stopped for 4 weeks and went to 85.5, back on diet few days, back to 84.3.

Cutting way back on carbs is what works for me.

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I might join too. I need to stop planning to lose weight (and just eating all the double coat TimTams) and start actually working on losing weight.

There is... uh... a lot to lose.

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Six kilograms down this morning. Woo hoo!

Has anyone else had their weight yo yo over the last few years? I know I can lose this weight, however slowly but I’m so worried about maintaining once I get there. Over the last 4 years I’ve lost 28kg, gained 18, lost 15 and gained 18 again. And here we go again. This time I’m trying to do it as healthily as I can so I hope that helps.i wonder if it’s worth seeing a dietician

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Six kilograms down this morning. Woo hoo!

Has anyone else had their weight yo yo over the last few years? I know I can lose this weight, however slowly but I’m so worried about maintaining once I get there. Over the last 4 years I’ve lost 28kg, gained 18, lost 15 and gained 18 again. And here we go again. This time I’m trying to do it as healthily as I can so I hope that helps.i wonder if it’s worth seeing a dietician


I'm terrible for it. And I don't "diet" just try to eat less crap and exercise more. Often up or down 20+kg at a time. I always seem to get to a point where i just fall back into old habits. Hoping if i get there this time i can see it and stop myself

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I'm terrible for it. And I don't "diet" just try to eat less crap and exercise more. Often up or down 20+kg at a time. I always seem to get to a point where i just fall back into old habits. Hoping if i get there this time i can see it and stop myself


WHEN we get there (not if) we’ll have to start a maintaining weight support thread ;)

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Does someone have a good stir fry recipe that is good for you?

I’ve tried chicken with veggies and noddles but I added a soy sauce and honey dressing. Yes this is why I’m over weight.

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I’ll join too. I have too much weight to loose. I’m only at the being a little more careful on what I eat stage but need to really find what will work for me. Will be reading along to get some ideas I think.

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I'm terrible for it. And I don't "diet" just try to eat less crap and exercise more. Often up or down 20+kg at a time. I always seem to get to a point where i just fall back into old habits. Hoping if i get there this time i can see it and stop myself


WHEN we get there (not if) we’ll have to start a maintaining weight support thread ;)


Oh you're going to be good for me! haha, absolutely, great idea

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@BKK i think it depends, a small amount of honey, just like a small amount of any sugar is fine in a balanced diet, it's usually about quantity. I use stir fry sauces, but it's usually in a big cook up, so each serve has a small amount of sauce, my aunt doesn't use the whole lot on her small cook ups. Gives you the flavor with less sugar/salt etc.

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Ok Melbourne lock down and a broken body part has led to my heaviest weight- 70kg, more than I was at 28 weeks pregnant! I want to be 62kg which is my normal equilibrium weight but more preferably 58. Would settle for the 62 though!

So I am exersize go 4x a week (stationary bike), and cut alcohol. Trying to reduce meat and dairy for environmental reasons. My biggest downfall is nighttime stress and down time eating. Like I can eat 1-2 whole meals after dinner.

Tonight I’m making a brown rice and tofu veg stir fry. I’m going to try my damnest not to eat after dinner. Wish me luck!

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Does someone have a good stir fry recipe that is good for you?

I’ve tried chicken with veggies and noddles but I added a soy sauce and honey dressing. Yes this is why I’m over weight.


I agree with PP, it's about how much you have. I do curries with coconut milk or yoghurt, both high fat, but I measure it and do the calorie counting when I'm being good.

I find that packet sauces and dressings have a lot of wasteful calories from thickeners etc and some basic ones are easy. So maybe measure out soy sauce, honey and garlic, work out the calories and see how much you really need for your stir-fry.

I can get a veg and fish/prawn Thai Red Curry in about 350 calories by only using 1/3 cup of coconut milk. It's not as saucy as a traditional curry but it has all the flavour.

With things like honey and olive oil I think of it as balancing the benefits of them against the calories. They're higher calorie but are healthy, so then it's about deciding where that fits if that makes sense? I use olive oil and wine vinegar as a dressing. I have to be careful not to use too much but at least I know that the calories are good for me?

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Currently the heaviest I have ever been at 113kg. I really need help. I am ALWAYS hungry and I crave sugar something terrible. The more I try and lose weight the more I gain. I know I need to lose it for my health (autoimmune diseases, Idiopathic Intercranial Hypertention, Hypertension) but I JUST CAN'T so here I am. I'll give this thread a go.

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I made a chicken and orange stir fry for dinner.

Chicken fried without oil, onion, noodles, broccoli and oranges. The sauce was honey, ginger, garlic and soy sauce.

I had 1 cup of this for dinner which is too much.

My lifestyle coach has told me to stop eating so much and watch potions.

I have also been snacking which might be where a lot of my issue is. I could graze all day.

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BKK - up the amount of food for lunch and dinner and don’t snack. One cup of stir fry and noodles for dinner isn’t a lot. But what I’d do is to bulk it up with more vegetables and drop the noodles. I think you might really benefit from seeing a dietitian and properly understanding portion size. In saying that, a friend lost heaps of weight on the Michelle Bridges program, she had no idea about portion size and found that the most helpful aspect of the program.

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I’m in! Have decided it’s time to do something about it instead of just saying I should.

I dont drink water. Ever. I know I know.

So 2 weeks ago I started and have about 3litres a day-2 on a bad day.

I also started walking the dog. Walking with purpose, not strolling.

In 2 weeks doing these 2 things I have lost 2kgs. I have been mindful of what I’m eating but not counting anything. I have cut down on sugar as I think why am I doing this and undoing it with lollies.

So far so good.

I self sabotage, so I’m concentrating on just water and walking for a month and go from there. If I start saying I want to lose 30kgs it’s daunting, and I think why bother.

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I need to join in here too. Like PP I saw myself at a certain angle in the mirror and was shocked how big I am.

Working from home (for myself, so there's no office to go to) and being about 5 steps from the kitchen is not helping. I got into really a bad habit of diet coke and crackers every morning. Have (nearly) stopped the diet coke, stopped the crackers, but it's only been a week.

Hubby had a heart scare 10 days ago; and I don't want to be fat & 50 - I have 6 months.

My problem is always hunger ... any tips for this? Drinking water does not help it.

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Can I jump in? I'm trying to lose 10 more kilos. It's slowly going down. I exercise enough but tend to overeat. I used to participate in the EB weight loss threads years ago! It worked back then, so hoping it will motivate me this time around.

Looking forward to getting to know everyone ☺️

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I’m 7kg down, 6 to go, which is quite a lot for my shortness. I’m in a different boat to many, as I started just at the tipping point to overweight, but it’s as per my specialist’s instructions for health reasons. I’m not calorie counting, I’m loosely doing 16:8 (with a coffee during the morning), and eating less over that time seems to have retrained my body and I just don’t get hungry much anymore and my portion sizes have naturally decreased. I’ve lost all sugar cravings, which is huge as I was living on chocolate for the first half of the year.

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My problem is always hunger ... any tips for this? Drinking water does not help it.


Fruit and veg. Lots of veg. It fills your stomach and is low in calories. Plus protein. This works best for me.

If I have a hungry day you can bet I haven't had enough fruit or veg. For years I have avoided fruit for some reason? I've been eating a pear in the afternoon and I no longer want to eat everything before dinner.

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If I have a hungry day you can bet I haven't had enough fruit or veg. For years I have avoided fruit for some reason? I've been eating a pear in the afternoon and I no longer want to eat everything before dinner.


OK I will try this. I have never been a big fruit eater, maybe it's time to start! Might stop the 'need' for something sweet after a meal as well.

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I will join too. My weight went up to 81kgs at the peak of corona. I am now back in the 76kgs. Prior to corona, my highest weight was about 75kg, so my first goal is to get back to that. Almost there, but I do fall off the wagon easily. Then I would like to get to 70kg. That might be a bit unrealistic, but 72 would be good. I am about 173cm tall, so whilst 65kg would be wonderful, I like food too much to get there.

I am doing exercise and good eating to get there. Going well with the exercise. I find the weekends harder to stay on track eating and often fall off the wagon.

Knotty girl - I was wondering about doing my src too. I swim 1km a week now, but I am still a good minute off doing 200m in 5 minutes. I did an officials course instead!

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I am starting again. I am the heaviest I’ve ever been without being pregnant - 83kg. Need to lose about 20kg to get to a healthy bmi. I’ve ordered lite n easy. One of my main problems is chronic disease and inability to exercise. I don’t have the energy to prepare food when I get home so pre-prepared food it is.

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