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Brittany Higgins


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That so translates to ‘former mates have described him as a real wanker and say he’s totally traumatised to learn his attitude is outdated.’

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When the member of ministry came to light yesterday I spent a quick half hour going through the cabinet and Wikipedia and came up with a shortlist. I wonder if I’m right and I dearly dearly hope that whoever it is gets the weight of the law thrown at him, and has to resign.

Especially because last week in Sydney, followIng the Brittany Higgins revelations, an ex-private school girl started a petition which also called for testimony about from women and girls about sexual assaults carried out by private school boys. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2021/feb/20/viral-petition-reveals-more-than-500-allegations-of-sexual-assault-in-australian-private-schools

I am so over all of this.

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Also totally over these overprivileged nondescript dick-led people running the world. Everywhere we turn, women are getting treated badly. The gender pay gap appears to be rising, sexual assault is normal and no one has accountability.

Women need to band together and fight this oppression but everyone is too busy consuming information like zombies and worrying about themselves. The apathy is chilling.

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It looks like we have our own Republican Party here in Australia, where others stand back and allow appalling behaviour to happen and cover it up.

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Beggars belief that Bishop stuck up for these troglodytes for so long. Surely she knew what was going on?


As Heritier Lumumba said, you "go along to get along". Taking action or speaking out would have put the party leadership even further out of her reach.

She has said some stuff since resigning, and part of me wondered "Why didn't you speak up when you had the power to change things?". But that's unfair for two reasons. One, a woman who is powerful enough to be Deputy PM still doesn't have the power to change how women are treated without delivering a fatal blow to her own career. And two, she's a victim herself, and I don't expect people who are victims of a certain kind of behaviour to call it out if it's easier for them to cope by soldiering on.

You’re right. I should be more charitable.


She’s still Asbestos Julie. I wouldn’t be very charitable

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Stuffed Olive

Funny you should mention dicks.


Beggars belief that Bishop stuck up for these troglodytes for so long. Surely she knew what was going on?


Bishop isn't a feminist and no doubt imagined she got to her position purely on her own, with no acknowledgment of how she benefited from the achievements of past women. Perhaps she thought she was "one of the boys", until she wasn't.

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She was called “Turnbull in a skirt”

And there is speculation on Twitter on who the cabinet minister could be. I won’t say their name, but I think it’s plausible

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