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Has anyone been to PAX - Melbourne (gaming expo)


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Hello everyone, 

I am just wondering if anyone here has been to PAX in Melbourne. It is at the exhibition building and it about gaming stuff. I have bought tickets for my kids (both teens), plus one for either myself of my husband to accompany them. Just wondering what the general vibe is as I've never been, and they are on the spectrum. Plus it is at the end of an insane week and I'm expecting to be tired (and possibly grumpy).

  • Is it noisy?
  • Is there going to be seating where I can park myself or is it a stand up all day kind of situation?
  • Is it one of those places where it is easy to get lost? Does it all sort of look the same or easy to orientation oneself?
  • Is it a bit of a sales vibe or more of a like-minded nerd vibe?

I will point out that neither my husband or I game so there is no interest from either of us in anything there apart from trying to be parent of the year. 

I know there is information on the website but it is a bit generalist. 



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Haven't been - DP did want to go when we were Melb based but we never got there. His sister went and found it very busy. There is quite a bit on YouTube which shows it. Looks very crowded for my preferences!


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I'm pretty sure there'll be a PAX FB group, you could join and ask questions possibly. 

I know DD went to a similar one here in Canberra recently and there were places to sit and eat, and chill out a bit. 

She'd love to go to PAX but neither DH nor I do crowds! 

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Chocolate Addict

I haven't been to PAX but have been to other Con's. They can be quite busy and therefore noisy. There is usually seating and places to eat etc..

If they don't like noise, use noise cancelling headphones, loads of people do. There is not really a quite time to go but maybe avoid lunch timeish.

It can be overwhelming but most places have quiet spaces/sensory rooms these days.

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DS goes every year.  Huge crowds.  Appears to be more of a nerd vibe as he doesn’t buy much at all.  Gets free stuff e.g. hats, drinks.

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I know one of the organisers and have been to a few. Majority of the organising committee is on the spectrum, so they do take that in mind. Your kids may want to wear a sunflower wristband or lanyard if sound is overwhelming for them and they need to be given access to quiet areas.

1. Yes

2. Yes, but you may have to be willing to ask others 

3. It's kind of a grid normally

4. 50/50

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I haven't been to Pax, but I regularly attend Supannova and similar.

They're usually very busy, but it's fairly easy to find quieter spaces and have a sit.  Although I'm happy to find a quiet patch of floor out of the way to sit on, as chairs and tables tend to fill up.

Generally a very high population of nerds there, and typically many ND folks.  

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Thanks everyone for the suggestions. As for the noise I was asking for myself as I was kind of hoping that I could read a book. I don't think they will mind the noise as such as they will be happy to be there if you know what i mean. 

I did suspect that it was going to be a ND crowd because of everyone I know that are going are ND. However i feel like I know more ND folk than NT which is statistically not supposed to be the case. Clearly we cluster in groups. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey everyone who answered here. I know this tread is dead but I'm updating. 

PAX was just a huge overload for my DS2 and he spent some time in the AFK room. Took me a while to find it because I was looking for the calm down space. Anyway the volunteers/staff were lovely. 

DS1 really enjoyed himself and when I said that I had to take DS2 home he stayed on and is catching the train home on his own. He has caught the train before but usually he uses the app in advance and has a plan. Today he had to navigate from the exhibition building to Southern Cross all on his own. I am so super proud. 

Sometimes it can be so so exhausting managing my kids behaviour but overall a good day. 

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Kiwi Bicycle

Hey, it's actually good to get some follow up. I always wonder what happens, was everything ok, did everyone survive...

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My DH took DD & DS1 on the Friday and they had a great time. Ds is ND and DD is probably ND in hindsight but manages fine. I think it may not have worked if it were the weekend it probably would have been a bit too crowded for DS. 

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