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Well for all my plans to get back into it my body decided otherwise. I somehow hurt my ankle and it just clicks occasionally which is really painful, tried ice, rest and then strapping it, but have seen no improvement. Have a doc appointment in a few weeks to get it seen to. I then also did my back gardening and finally have been sick for the last week. Hopefully will be back in to it in a few weeks once I sort my ankle out.

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On 28/9/2024 at 3:09 PM, blackcat20 said:

I want to get back to walking now the weather is improving. Hard to find time though and I feel guilty bailing on DH and the kids multiple evenings.

I feel the same way. 
I find it hard to fit in, but I have to prioritise this. 

I’m sorry @Crombek for your ankle injury. Do you know a good physio in the meantime?

I’ve been out of routine this week, and I was just starting to get motivated. I had a skin cancer cut out, nothing serious, but don’t want to stuff up the stitches.

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I did a little less last week as we went away for the weekend. Still did 2 runs and a spin class plus pump and 1x Pilates. Did a long bushwalk while were away too about 12km.

but my ankle is swollen and I am annoyed because it has been doing quite well. I have a Physio appointment on Thursday so will see what she says.

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Eek! So many injuries for everyone. And none sound minor 😣 Hopefully we start seeing positive updates on all these injuries. 

RP maintained. Running is not 🤣 Today was a lactate threshold run… and internet failed on me, video stuck on buffering, time/distance etc still moving along, settings stuck. Given it was staying at 10km/hr and 10% incline I bailed on that run and flicked over to manual mode for a few flat kms.

I must get some more runs on the board, so I am going to posting more often. In a good way for me, this place always keeps me accountable. 

We need to rename thread to a generic, not month based, title. Suggestions welcome! 



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Busy work day for me resulting in absolutely no form of activity 😏

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Chat GTP made me 10 replacement thread titles: 

Active Vibes

FitFam Chat

Move & Motivate

Get Up & Go

Exercise Exchange

Sweat Squad

Active Adventures

Active All-Stars

Fitness Fusion

The Workout Collective

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Those names are all pretty cool. I also need to keep posting on here, I definitely workout more when I do.

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@UnknownUser those names aren't bad! Which one is your favourite?

I decided to ditch my osteo and try a new physio. I had my first appointment this morning and I thought she was good. My biggest issue with the osteo is her lack of information for me on what I should do/shouldn't do, progress etc. She'll work on me and then say ok get dressed, come back in a week. No information about how my shoulder is improving etc. I like that this physio gave me plenty of info and some exercises to do with a plan to progress. I haven't seen a physio in decades, I have preferred osteos for ages, so hopefully this one works out to be what I need. It's been 5 weeks now and I miss the old me and my exercise routine 😔

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4 minutes ago, littlebirdy said:

@UnknownUser those names aren't bad! Which one is your favourite?

I decided to ditch my osteo and try a new physio. I had my first appointment this morning and I thought she was good. My biggest issue with the osteo is her lack of information for me on what I should do/shouldn't do, progress etc. She'll work on me and then say ok get dressed, come back in a week. No information about how my shoulder is improving etc. I like that this physio gave me plenty of info and some exercises to do with a plan to progress. I haven't seen a physio in decades, I have preferred osteos for ages, so hopefully this one works out to be what I need. It's been 5 weeks now and I miss the old me and my exercise routine 😔

The physio sounds great. It’s so hard when you can’t do your normal exercise and routine. Is there anything that you can do without causing further injury?

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2 minutes ago, Blueskies12 said:

The physio sounds great. It’s so hard when you can’t do your normal exercise and routine. Is there anything that you can do without causing further injury?

I have just been walking, either on the treadmill or outside. But I cant do any faster than 6km/hr or I swing my arm too much. I have also been doing some lower leg stuff like squats, lunges etc but without any weights. The physio has given me some exercises to do with a resistance band for now.

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I did a very short jog this morning 3km and a spin class tonight. To make up for it I had an ice coffee plus an ice team at the beach today. I sort of suck!

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@littlebirdy the applause was for the physio providing an action plan! Hopefully it sets you up for success.
@Elfie34 that sounds like a well balanced day. Nothing sucky about it! 

I have a few I like more @littlebirdy

I like Active Vibes as a nod to the thread’s historical beginnings 🤣

I like Move & Motivate because that’s what this thread is all about. Moving - however you feel comfortable! 

I like The Workout Collective because it sounds suave (so I am guessing because I think that, it makes it the exact opposite 😜) but I don’t think workout is the right term, because as per above it’s moving not necessarily about doing workouts. The ‘collective’ part I like, as we are a team! 

As you can see, I have no idea 🤪 What’s everyone’s fav? 

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Already had RP for me this morning! And off on a day trip with the family, which will involve lots of walking. Happy 😊 

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I’m with you @UnknownUser I like both Move & Motivate and also The Workout Collective. Either works 😎

I’m canceling my RP this afternoon the side affects of my infusion has floored me 😢


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@Dusty those side effects sound awful, I hope they are short lived 😔.

@Blueskies12 I still have the program from when I did the other foot so I'm moving straight into action on it. It's definitely not as bad this time around because I knew immediately what I'd done but it is bad enough that I can't go barefoot or walk down stairs without pain.

Taking the whole week off running/walking other than daily steps. Have done core, RP & boxing & today will do a combat/pump combo (likely without weighted lunges). 

@UnknownUser I think The Workout Collective is the best, makes me feel like we're a team. Maybe there's a better word than workout though? It seems a bit like we're going for intensity when the whole point of the thread is that any movement is good movement! 


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Thanks @Crombek

I didn’t like the word workout either but I didn’t want to be negative, what about The Movement Collective?

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Haha… so funny that so far we all liked the collective part but not the workout part. 
I like The Movement Collective @Dusty. Front runner (see what I did there 😉)! 

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Sorry, got distracted with morning prep. @Dusty - is that typical for you, for the infusion to knock you about so badly? If so, how long does it normally take to subside? @Crombek you’re still finding great ways to keep yourself active. Hopefully the exercises hit the foot on the head.
. @Blueskies12 totally agree re posting! Do you have plans for today or tomorrow? 

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Thanks @UnknownUser this infusion is only my second, last year the side effects lasted around 3 days so fingers crossed tomorrow is my last day of feeling rubbish.

Besides RP I have a beautician appt I need to reschedule, tomorrow I have a hairdresser appt I’m hoping I can still attend 🤞 

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I liked Active Vibes and Move & Motivate too. Also don't mind Workout collective or Movement Collective. Or could go Active Collective or simply Keeping Active?

@Dusty fingers crossed you feel better soon 🤞

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I’m really hoping to either go for a run or do a Caroline workout in the morning.

I think I like Keeping Active, because exercise and workouts sound like work 😆

 happy to go with whatever

Edited by Blueskies12
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My gym is so busy at the moment I have to set my alarm each day to remind me when class bookings open. If you aren’t in the app with your finger hovering to press at exactly the same time each day, to book for a class three days later, you miss out completely. Waiting for their text reminder is too late. You need the app open and be ready to commit as soon as the clock strikes. This week I resorted to the extra 7:00am reformer classes they scheduled to cope with the high demand. I am so not a morning exercise person. 

My step count could have been better this week but I hit my gym session goals.

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@jojonbeanie my DD used to go to a gym like yours, my DD said the classes open up at midnight and get snapped up immediately, that’s crazy.

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@jojonbeanie my gym isn’t quite that bad but for some classes it almost is (spin). So annoying trying to remember to book classes!


today I did 15 min elliptical and a reformer Pilates class. Not heaps but better than nothing. 

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Yay did the Caroline workout this morning. Only 35 or so minutes. I will no doubt get some more active minutes in with gardening, washing and walking the dog (only a short walk though, it’s hot!)

also I bought new ASICS for my birthday next week. I love them.  Not cheap, but worth it!

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