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DD mid year Year 9 update


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So DD was back at the Paed to “check in” (first visit to Paed in Dec - 12m after Psychologist Dx for ASD and pointed out probable ADHD).

DD this year is only just managing to stay on top of relationships with others.  School work is generally As but she has a subject or 2 she nas no interest in. Her school marks for subject she is not interested in went from an A+ (for specific topic she liked) to D (for topic she didn’t like) so Paed is happy to trial her on Vyvanse for the semester to see how she goes. I do like her Paed. They are very much wanting her to make the decisions. So Rx was only given if DD was willing to do the trial. So we will see how we go.

DDis also being put on Roaccutaine for Acne (backne) by Dermatologist this month so the next 2 weeks will be trials of new medications and seeing how they go. She has school camp for a week, week 3 term 3 so need to be sure she is stable by then.

Fingers crossed it all works out.

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Navy Blue

DS3 has been on vyvanse 40mg for a while now - two years maybe. It does really help him focus at school. 

I was on roaccutane as a teen and it was pretty rough for me unfortunately. DS2 took it as well, I think he coped pretty well on it but was trying to do everything right. Moisturising, staying out of the sun etc. 

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Good luck!  I don’t know much about roaccutane but if there are any likely side effects, can you start one med before the others?

ADHD drugs are great!  Can be a trial and error.  We did not like Vyvanse here.  One kid it just was not quite strong enough.  Other kid it did what it needed to do, but he did not feel right on it.  He did not feel able to do his sports properly and I think it numbed him a bit much.  School liked it though!  But there are so many different options to try now and hopefully it will work for you.

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@Navy BlueDS1 and DS2 also did Roaccutaine without issues (apart from dry lips and extra sunburn when they forgot sunscreen).

Hoping for the focus at school. Going to try just M-F my mid term.

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Is she required to go on the Pill in order to take Roaccutane? She’s of reproductive age even though she’s under the age of consent. Birth defects from Roaccutane don’t care about age. 

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Kiwi Bicycle

Another chiming in about side effects of Roaccutane. I had mental health issues while on it and although it worked really well for my acne, I am loathe to do it again. Just be very, very cautious and aware for depression.

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@Paddlepopshe can’t take the pill for medical reasons. She is anti people. She is very medically minded so will reiterate the pregnancy thing to her.

@Kiwi BicycleI have told her to be on the lookout for “Sadme” (family word for depression from Star Wars Padme who willingly died).

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18 hours ago, VeritasVinumArte said:

@Paddlepopshe can’t take the pill for medical reasons. She is anti people. She is very medically minded so will reiterate the pregnancy thing to her.

@Kiwi BicycleI have told her to be on the lookout for “Sadme” (family word for depression from Star Wars Padme who willingly died).

I think you could say to her that if ever needed you would take her to get the morning after pill no questions because the risk is that high so it's super explicit what she would have to do. I read a little bit about this recently 

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@GreenbeanI have taken an under 18 relative for an abortion due to high category medications. I am very open about that kind of thing and have told DD there is no shame or blowback in coming to me. I have also been very upfront about being a suicidal teen to my kids. Hopefully they get that they can talk to be about anything without judgment.

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