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@UnknownUser I love running outside. One route is 3km and the another is about 4.5 and that is to the beach, which is when I’m feeling energetic. My little dog runs beside me, he’s a good trainer. I probably find it that bit harder holding onto the lead, but it’s hard to say no to him.

I’m having a rest today. I woke up feeling a bit nauseous, so am hoping some sleep will fix it.

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5 hours ago, Bornagirl said:

Hmm, May, where did that go?


I was hoping to rejoin you energetic lot, but within days of returning from South Africa I was hit with multiple episodes of BPPV (Vertigo) over the following weeks.

2 x remedial massages, 2 x physio visits, 2 x Dizzy Day visits (brilliant!), and a GP appt for Stemetil, and finally, FINALLY, I can roll over in bed. Anyone who's had this will understand that bliss.

We were planning on keeping fit during this six weeks in order to climb Ben Nevis in Scotland, but I think I'm going to have to be happy with not feeling nauseated by the thought of plane motion (I actually half considered cancelling the trip due to the nausea).

Need to have a read through, to see what you've all been up to. 

I'll be hopefully doing lots of walking in Scotland in June, then eating and drinking lots of food and wine in Northern Italy first half of July. 🤣


I’m very jealous of you going to Northern Italy! If only… 

Don’t be hard on yourself. I have no doubt you will walk loads on your holiday, and that is a great way to be active.

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45 minutes ago, Blueskies12 said:

I’m very jealous of you going to Northern Italy! If only… 

Don’t be hard on yourself. I have no doubt you will walk loads on your holiday, and that is a great way to be active.

Thankyou, yes, we are far more active when away, despite no gym or bike riding.

I'd have been much, much more disappointed if this happened before our Kumano Kodo trip, or the Cape Town climb.

Ben Nevis was a last minute thought, whereas the other two we were quite committed to.

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I finally got to try out the new Concept 2 bike at the studio yesterday. Yowza, my legs are super sore today! It doesn’t allow any slacking off & I kinda love that.

Walked to school & back and did another little gym workout this morning. I’m hoping to do 3 gym workouts this week.🤞🏼

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Hello again! Not much on the active front after the Bloody Long Walk; I'm still riding the ebike to and from work 3 days a week, and when DS had his trampolining class last Tuesday I bought myself a casual entry and jumped on the trampolines for an hour. I need to up my game!

Feet: still in possession of 7 toenails, though another one looks likely to come off, and most of the blisters have healed. There's a large one on my left foot that burst, and the healing skin underneath is SO ITCHY sheeeesh! 

My sister, whose enthusiasm for these things remains undaunted, is organising a walk for October and possibly another one in August. I think DD will come along, I'm hoping to do some nice bushwalks with her anyway. 
It has been pointed out to me that if I lose two more toenails I could ask for 50% off at the pedicurist. The glare I glared at said immature person, I tell you!

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Don’t tell anybody but I think I have a crush on @ContentedFleur 

CF if you’re ever interested in a meet up let me know, I’ll be there with a long stemmed rose for you 🥰

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@Bornagirl the love was the last paragraph. Scotland is a place I would love to go, though I know it’s not in my immediate future. If you head out on some lovely walks, please share away! Glad to hear you are a bit more mobile. Hopefully with a few more weeks, you’ll pull up well. That if it was going to happen, you have timed this episode well, between holidays. 

@Blueskies12 oh fabulous! And having a cute running mate makes it even more pleasant. I see lots of people having the dog lead on a belt of some kind. Would that be an option, to get you hands free? 

Off to Google Concept 2 bike @kalanchoe! I am doing my first spin class this weekend, I have no idea what I am in for 🤪

Well I am glad the feet are coming up well. Not going to lie, I did say that you’d be an additional 2 toe nails down after successfully completing the Bloody Long Walk, so this update is reflective of my forecasting. Hope you get the discount, if it does end up a loss 🤣 Great that you and your DD have this special time together. 

As for me… I also can’t believe another month is almost gone! I had a Quick Look at my stats for the end of the month, and they look pretty good, despite a rough week or so. Today I had my long run - 11km. Actually felt very comfortable during it. 

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@UnknownUser that is a great idea about the belt! I’m going to buy one. Thank you so much!

Well done on an 11km run! That is fantastic!

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13 hours ago, UnknownUser said:

@Bornagirl the love was the last paragraph. Scotland is a place I would love to go, though I know it’s not in my immediate future. If you head out on some lovely walks, please share away! Glad to hear you are a bit more mobile. Hopefully with a few more weeks, you’ll pull up well. That if it was going to happen, you have timed this episode well, between holidays.



I've been rock solid all of this week, and the last treatment was clearly very effective on the day - they couldn't trigger the BPPV with the second Epley, so I'm confident it's gone.   Who knew it would be such bliss to look up at the ceiling or pick up stuff off the floor!

Indeed, with the timing, once I realised it was probably the minor accident in Africa that started it all, I was incredibly relieved that it didn't happen while I was there.  $750 later though, and I wonder how people without that cash manage. I guess they go to emergency at its worst and wait for an appointment, meanwhile having their lives significantly curtailed by the side effects.

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12 hours ago, Blueskies12 said:

@UnknownUser that is a great idea about the belt! I’m going to buy one. Thank you so much!

Well done on an 11km run! That is fantastic!

yes, I've seen the belt idea too.  Definitely tricky trying to run with a dog.  We had my sister's big dog at one point when I was running, but it was hopeless as he'd suddenly stop, and being hypermobile I had to run so carefully to avoid twisting my ankle.

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We were expecting a reasonable amount of rain, so I had my exercise yesterday clearing drains at home and in the street, raking leaves, removing debris from around air con compressors etc. The rains were a bit of a let down after all that effort, but I sure got some weight-bearing and cardio in. 

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Finishing May off with a bit of a whimper with nothing active the past 2 days because I've been sick. Hopefully back to it on Monday

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Yes, @bornagirl I know there have been many posters within EB who have experienced it too. Totally debilitating. Great that your rock solid now! 

I managed RP this morning and a 3km recovery run to see out the end of the month. My stats for the month are: 

- RP x 2 per week. 
- runs very variable… some weeks I managed 6 in the week. Other I managed 2 due to workload. Thursdays always seem to be tricky for me 🤪

But happy with end results. 



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Last RP class of the week tonight. Ive already hit my steps for today too.

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My fitbit just broke 😖 I thought it was the band, but it's the bit the band connects to that is broken.

I know someone bought a new one recently - any recommendations? I'm not sure I can go back to my old watch (even though it is a lovely Dolce & Gabbana watch I bought in Paris on our honeymoon 🥰 plus it needs a new battery)

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Today I walked up to school/daycare/shops & back home twice & did some cardio (C2 bike, SkiErg & waterrower), TRX & weights at the gym.

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RP last night with my favorite torturer. After she found out about the success of Tuesday’s class she ramped up yesterday’s session.  So I’m pleased to say I stood on the reformer platform and did loads and loads and loads of splits and scooters.

I also did sqillians of one leg on the shoulder lunges and more scooters.

I was wobberly jobberly after class 😋

Today I ride 🥰

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I don’t know if I am linking right… 



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