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UK - The Cass Report and recommendations to NHS England

Ron Swanson

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I have started to read the report and am finding it a relief. I struggle with the binary (no pun intended) options of either: 1. To support your child appropriately you must accept their self proclaimed gender identity immediately and move straight to care for a social transition followed promptly by consideration of a medical transition: or 2. Sex is sex and you cannot have a gender identity that doesn’t match biological gender and it doesn’t matter how much distress your child is in their issue must be something other than being trans so you must not accept even social transition. Neither sits well with me, and on my (so far perfunctory) reading, Cass is not advocating for either.

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Ron Swanson

The Observer view on the Cass review: children were catastrophically failed by the medical profession - Sonia Sodha, The Guardian.


First, do no harm” is the sacrosanct principle that is supposed to underpin modern medicine. But history is littered with examples of medics breaching this doctrine.

Last week, the publication of Hilary Cass’s final report on healthcare for gender-questioning children laid bare the devastating scale of NHS failures of a vulnerable group of children and young people, buoyed by adult activists bullying anyone who dared question a treatment model so clearly based on ideology rather than evidence.



Cass’s vision is what gender-questioning children deserve: to be treated with the same level of care as everyone else, not as little projects for activists seeking validation for their own adult identities and belief systems. 



It's good to see some media report on this - especially from media that refused to be impartial and cover both sides of the debate.

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