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Weight loss support thread #2


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I understand the up and down nature, it's the unexplained whole kg gain that's unusual for me. I'm blaming hormones. I was feeling more stressed and didn't sleep well. I weigh every morning, after going to the toilet. I log everything I eat very honestly.

I'm down again this morning. It shits me as I have a fair amount to lose and I'm feeling good about the changes I'm making and really enjoying exercising. When I've tried previously I want eating enough to exercise (fast800) and I couldn't keep it up. I get migraines and have to be careful as I have so many triggers. But this time I feel good so I want to keep it up. I think also a friend was getting in my head about not eating - I am eating, I just don't eat all day like she does! 

Anyway, down again so I should be happy with that. 

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No idea of my weight before or after but since I have decided to walk faster, not eat too many cakes, biscuits etc. every day and do 6kg weights my clothes are getting bigger on me it is very slow but getting there

I started doing it just to be healthier really

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1 hour ago, Etcetera said:

I understand the up and down nature, it's the unexplained whole kg gain that's unusual for me. I'm blaming hormones. I was feeling more stressed and didn't sleep well. I weigh every morning, after going to the toilet. I log everything I eat very honestly.

I'm down again this morning. It shits me as I have a fair amount to lose and I'm feeling good about the changes I'm making and really enjoying exercising. When I've tried previously I want eating enough to exercise (fast800) and I couldn't keep it up. I get migraines and have to be careful as I have so many triggers. But this time I feel good so I want to keep it up. I think also a friend was getting in my head about not eating - I am eating, I just don't eat all day like she does! 

Anyway, down again so I should be happy with that. 

Oh indeed, hormones can play havoc with 'weight'.   I've struggled a bit the last few days, too, and skipped a bike ride monday, and gym class and yoga at the gym yesterday.   If we weren't wanting to do a challenging climb in three weeks I'd ease off quite a bit with the exercise, but it's also going to be a trip full of calories, so want to at least be my preferred weight before we start! 

Did get back on the bike though, today. You just have to ignore people who are not trying to do what you do.  Interestinglhy I have a friend and neighbour who really needed to lose about 15k.   I quickly learnt to never mention trying to ditch a few kilos because the response would be 'well if you'd buy the right sized clothes..'.   Now that she's ditched that weight, and like HUGE numbers of people, has issues keeping that last few kilos off, we can talk about it.


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Ah yes! My friend is also like that. She is also one to quickly blame everything else except her own habits for not losing weight. I know her comments to me come from concern which I do appreciate, but I want to get to a happy weight now before I becomes all the more difficult. Also I tend to get comments that short equals ok weight. yes I'm tiny in height but I want my weight to reflect that too!

Aerobics done ✅ Looking forward to a nice salad sandwich with some local pastrami I bought at the farm shop.

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2 hours ago, Etcetera said:

Ah yes! My friend is also like that. She is also one to quickly blame everything else except her own habits for not losing weight. I know her comments to me come from concern which I do appreciate, but I want to get to a happy weight now before I becomes all the more difficult. Also I tend to get comments that short equals ok weight. yes I'm tiny in height but I want my weight to reflect that too!

Aerobics done ✅ Looking forward to a nice salad sandwich with some local pastrami I bought at the farm shop.

I've found the best way is to just not engage, and if someone comments on my weight, I tell them I have some significant health reasons for keeping my weight down.  My poor health of over 4 decades started with being seriously skinny (and in and out of hospital) all through my teenage years.  Never again. No one calls me skinny twice.   I'm also short & slight. The BMI is constantly criticised as not being relevant for most people, but for me it's a range of 48kg - 60kg, and being slight, the healthiest weight is probably at the low end of that.

I just keep using the word 'healthy' in real life, rather than weight, because it's such an (understandably) loaded issue for so many.

There's an awful lot in society working against people trying to be a healthy weight, so I have great sympathy for those for whom it seems impossible, and people like @Silverstreak I find just amazing. Not a chance I'd have what it takes to stick at it for how long it takes.  I know my limit is a couple of months of deprivation.

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I've been a bit spooked, discovering that at my age, I should be increasing my protein intake by 1/3.  I've been congratulating myself getting to the .75g x weight, now find it has to be quite a bit more.  No wonder the (good) Aged Care homes have such a focus on protein. If my MIL said she just wanted a salad for dinner, they would always add some smoked salmon, or an egg to it, now I know why.

I bought a handful of the high protein bars at the chemist the other day - not the weight loss ones, just some from the absolutely bloody staggering selection in the high protein section.  I couldn't read the labels in store, so bought one of each of a few brands and brought them home.

I am so sensitive to Sorbitol (and less so to most other things in the Polyols group) that any amount and the result is dramatic, to say the least. Upside is once it's done its thing, I'm fine again but there have been some very narrow squeaks when overseas an inadvertently having eaten some.

So ... for our week in Cape Town, where breakfast is provided, I was thinking of taking some of the bars with me, after trying them in the safety of home first.

Despite the first one (Body Science brand) mentioning Sorbitol multiple times (usually as a component of some other tiny component), but specifying Stevia as the sweetener (which I'm fine with), it's all quiet on the southern front this afternoon, several hours later (there's usually about a two hour delay).

Curious to know if anyone else here as severe Sorbitol issues, and has found some items that are o.k. when on the go?

(I have a Muscle Nation, and 28Go items to try.)

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@Bornagirl we must be about the same height as I'm pretty sure that's my healthy range too. I was 52kg the last time I felt ok with my weight and that was when my eldest was about a year old. I'm aiming for healthy range, then 55kg, then reassess.

I think I'll use health as a reason as well.  I hold my weight around my middle unfortunately and it makes it so much more difficult to find clothes that fit. 

Interesting about the protein requirements as we age. I do struggle some days to get enough. 

My friend gave me some protein bars to try and they use dates for sweetener - maybe that could work for you? They are Mr and Mrs Dates datebars. Another one she gave me is Raise the Bar brand - that one has a lot more 'stuff' in it but so stevia or sorbitol either. 

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11 hours ago, Etcetera said:

@Bornagirl we must be about the same height as I'm pretty sure that's my healthy range too. I was 52kg the last time I felt ok with my weight and that was when my eldest was about a year old. I'm aiming for healthy range, then 55kg, then reassess.

I think I'll use health as a reason as well.  I hold my weight around my middle unfortunately and it makes it so much more difficult to find clothes that fit. 

Interesting about the protein requirements as we age. I do struggle some days to get enough. 

My friend gave me some protein bars to try and they use dates for sweetener - maybe that could work for you? They are Mr and Mrs Dates datebars. Another one she gave me is Raise the Bar brand - that one has a lot more 'stuff' in it but so stevia or sorbitol either. 

I've mentioned on EB before that once upon a time, I found a website that including measuring wrist, shoulder to shoulder, and hip to hip (bone) and I was at the lowest point of 'average' (of the three). Unfortunately I've never been able to find it again. I figure that means the same for my BMI, which is exactly as you say for yourself, at this height.  The other measure they talk about is your waist being 80% of your hips.  At 60k, mine isn't remotely that, so the fact that I'm in the normal BMI range is deceptive.

The genetic lottery of where you carry your weight is a pest. My sister is like you (and like our mother) the other sister is like me and has what's known in our family as 'nana's bum'. (That particular Nana was born in the late 1800s.). The last year or two though, it's landed on my stomach, to a significant extent.  I've been pleasantly surprised to find it's the first place I've been losing it.

Thanks for the info on the date bars - they sound extremely yummy, and what's more they've got them at Fountain Gate NQR  - must be short dated, they're cheap.  I loved NQR when we had one near us, so might take a drive.  They do only have 6g of protein, but we go through quite a few when away - I'm too stingy to eat out all of the time.

I'm not bothered by stevia (or the other sweeteners), it's only Sorbitol, can't eat more than a few Mentos (ask me how I know!), other sugar free confectionary (eg Werther's butterscotch - another from experience) or many yoghurts overseas.

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@Bornagirl, we like the paleo bars from Aldi. They have surprisingly good ingredients. I am also pleasantly surprised to see the weight come off my torso. Do you eat tofu? The ones in the supermarket have a weird chemical taste to me, but our greengrocer has the proper stuff and I could happily eat it in most of my meals.

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2 hours ago, banyan said:

@Bornagirl, we like the paleo bars from Aldi. They have surprisingly good ingredients. I am also pleasantly surprised to see the weight come off my torso. Do you eat tofu? The ones in the supermarket have a weird chemical taste to me, but our greengrocer has the proper stuff and I could happily eat it in most of my meals.

I'll have a look at them, thanks.  It's all totally new to me, I haven't even glanced at the optifast ones, because the reason I tried optifast in the first place wasn't do with weight, it was an intestinal issue (since solved).  i was gobsmacked when I saw the huge range at Chemist Warehouse the other day.

I don't mind tofu, had plenty of it in Asia.  I first encountered it staying with a family in Kuala Lumpur.   The woman went out and bought fresh tofu from a roadside stall and I absolutely loved it.        Came back and bought some from the supermarket ...🤢

Part of my problem is that I'm trying to do too much at once:

1. Drink less alcohol - some red wine with dinner and I completely lose any desire for sweet things. I don't even get munchie cravings, I'm happy with the wine. 

2. Get my cholesterol down - I know that psyllium power/husk combo works, but keep faffing around and not getting repeat blood test done - once I know that's o.k. with what I'm doing, I can add stuff like cheese for the protein.

3.  Get fit in the hope of climbing Table Mountain - the plan was for a lot of exercise in Tasmania, but my husband got pneumonia just beforehand, so they were only walks a 5 year old could do.

4.  Stop the kilos creeping on, and get back to what I was a year ago, and much of my life before that, and do it now, given we've got a dawn till dusk food fest happening on 6 of our days in South Africa.

In a nutshell, my sloth has come back to bite me in the bum, but hopefully it's less of a mouthful each day. 🤣

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17 minutes ago, Bornagirl said:


I really like the white choc raspberry.

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Wow @Bornagirl a South African food fest sounds amazing! I hope you absolutely enjoy it without guilt. A few extra kgs would be totally worth it.

We're going away next month and I'm hoping we do a whole lot of walking to make up for treating ourselves. 

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No workout today due to AF turning up (day 2 is always the worst). I'd also forgotten how the magnesium supplement's I've started taking impact AF (less cramps but tends towards a heavier flow). My 5km walk will be slower.

On protein bars I quiet like these. Not super high in protein though (6.8g). Nice & Natural Whole Seed Protein bars I only really buy them when they are close to half price though, which is about once a month. They have two other flavours but the ones linked are my preferred flavour. I'm okay with sorbitol as long as it's not too much, but stevia is a bane (I just try to avoid most artificial sweeteners are I never know when they are one that will affect me).

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Today is one year since I started calorie counting, go me! 

Still ticking along here, I've hit another mini plateau. I now seem to be in a pattern where the scales show that I lose some weight every few weeks.

My face has suddenly got thinner around my cheekbones and now my glasses are loose, I was wondering why they were slipping down my nose! The veins on my hands, arms and legs have become more prominent, particularly when the weather is hot. Apparently this can be common with weight loss, once a layer of fat over the veins is removed, but it still surprised me.

I had a chuckle yesterday at work. A friend told me that a colleague from a different department (I used to work with them before they moved departments) was asking about the new staff member. That new staff member was me! So then the colleague was asking where the other half of me went, lol. 

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Congrats on a whole year @Silverstreak 🥳 Amazing effort!

I'm sick so just taking it easy and focussing on diet. Had dropped a nice amount at weigh in this morning so pretty happy! 

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Weigh in day today and I’m so happy and slightly bummed, all at the same time!

1.1kg loss- yay! But 300g away from my 10kg total loss, and the reward of a haircut. Looks like I’ll just be wearing my scraggly hair up all week again- lol!

On a lovely note, DD17, who was initially against me doing WW (no food is bad, don’t buy in to the anti fat rhetoric, etc) told me the other day I have inspired her! She has set herself step goals and is even thinking about doing WW with me. 

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I am into my second month of  cruising along in maintaining mode, but have noticed my waist continuing to slim down (yes, yippee, I have one). The thighs not so much. I'll take it, though.

In a non-scale win, ALL my undies fit me comfortably again. There were quite a few I had held on to out of sheer pig-headedness. The pig head wins this round after losing a few fights.


How is everyone else going?

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@banyan, I have noticed the undies thing too!

I’m doing well- another 800g down this last week. I’ve had my 10kg hair-cut!

DD17 has jumped on board. She is learning some very valuable lessons- like Subway cookies are yummy, but worth 11 points, over 1/3 of her daily allowance- lol! 

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DH has lost 6 kilos in 10 days on the carnivore diet. He has a bit more weight to lose but is by no means overweight. I really wonder how he will go when he finally stops this diet and if it will all come back on.

I have gone from 62.5kg to 60.8 in 10 days eating fruits, veg and meat.. avoiding carbs and sugars as much as possible but also cheating a little. I am due for my period in 7 days so especially this week I will definitely cheat but my goal is "within reason"..  My only goal for the week is maintenance.

Ultimate goal 57kg which was my weight on my wedding day.

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Maintaining the last couple of weeks with bring sick and not up to doing my usual exercise. Have had a few days of higher carbs which was a good reminder of how bloated I feel afterwards. No regrets though as it was all yummy! Plus it wasn't treats just real homemade food like Turkish pide and roast veg focaccia. 

Shopping day today and it's going to be a lot cooler this week so planning roast veg, a curry and soup!

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I cheated and indulged in a giant crunchie easter bunny. Then DD and I had pizza... all while DH was at work in the office. You could say we had a little partay. Anyway, doesnt matter tomorrow is a new day.

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21 minutes ago, Pandobox said:

I cheated and indulged in a giant crunchie easter bunny. Then DD and I had pizza... all while DH was at work in the office. You could say we had a little partay. Anyway, doesnt matter tomorrow is a new day.


As well as wanting to be being healthy, most of us are also in the privileged position in this country of giving ourselves treats from time to time.

No need to feel guilty, just work on the long term goal.

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Still plodding along here, week four of plateau!

I had a good chat with my GP and got back some test results. My thyroid meds are now at the perfect dose, but if I lose another five kilos, I need to do another thyroid test. I also have to let my GP know if I have any trouble with my gallbladder, eg heartburn or pain, as that can be an issue after a large amount of weight loss, but I haven't had any issues yet, touch wood.

I am getting cheekbones for the first time in my life, what a spin out. It looks like my body shape did change after childbirth and I now have a waist that looks narrower than my hips. Weight gain hid that change from me for 12 years! 

I am looking like a total bombshell in clothes at present and I am loving it! I bought some 50s wiggle dresses from Ebay, go me and I'm enjoying dressing up a bit retro for work (no high heels though, not with these hobbit feet.)

I'll try to lose some more weight before May when I increase my work hours, but I'm pretty happy with what I've achieved so far. 

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