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Weight loss support thread #2


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Gold?  While I would say its the only thing I have won of late, I also fear I haven't lost either...

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I am supposed to be an end of the month weigh in person as I get overly invested in numbers etc so I deliberately don’t want to fixate on my weight numbers. Anyways, I’d mentioned previously that my method for weight loss has been intermittent fasting (skipping breakfast) and exercise. I also mentioned that holding out on my morning coffee was particularly challenging for me. @Bornagirl and a few other posters mentioned they had used intermittent fasting but still allowing that morning coffee successfully. Initially I wanted to reach target weight before reintroducing but then I decided I didn’t want it to be a miserable process. So, I added back in my morning coffee (teaspoon of sugar and all!), which I am currently enjoying as I type this. Weighed myself this morning to see whether this reintroduction had me travelling in the wrong direction scales wise and I’m 64kg on the dot. So I’ve lost 2.6kg since the start of the month 👍

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I'm frustratingly still up a few kilos for no apparent reason, and will h no size increase either so I'm not sure where it's hiding. The increase coincided with starting medication late last year but I've gone off it this week so will see what happens. I'm trying not to worry about the numbers.

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Still 65.9 this morning! Didn't think I could get two days in a row of 65.... especially after a pretty normal day eating yesterday and having a supper of a big bag of chips! 

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I’m nearly 3 weeks in to my probably 10th go at Weight Watchers. I started out with 71.6kg to lose to get to my goal, even more to get to a healthy BMI. I am doing well so far and have lost 5.8kg. 

I bought myself an Apple Watch as my 5kg reward. I have always used a FitBit but am also allergic! My initial goal is just to slowly increase my daily steps. I am aiming for a minimum of 5k per day for now. 

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1 hour ago, banyan said:

I am only laughing because I have the mind/ sense of humour of a teenager.

I was thinking there are worse places to be stuck! So also have the teenager sense of humour. 

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OMG, not what I meant at all lol! I concur though, I'd rather be stuck in 69 than stuck elsewhere ha ha.🙃

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You ladies are so funny 😆 (I'm guessing we're all ladies? Sorry to those who aren't!)

I've gained the 600g I just lost, think it was the carby salty meal last night so not to worry. I made pide and koftas and they were so delicious. Really looking forward to leftovers tonight! 

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I need to post in here to keep honest…had some early success (goodbye Christmas kilo or two) and now I’ve drifted. Stuck on 68, and I feel so chunky.

I think I’ll start with another short term goal, that seems to work better. 65kg, how long do I need to lose 3kg?

In the past I’ve found I’m better off dropping it quite quickly, then just working on maintaining that weight. 5:2? 16:8? What has worked for you? 

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@dianalynch I had some success with 5:2 years ago (lost 21 kilos), but I'm calorie counting with a daily set of calories this time around. I prefer to have the same routine around food on a daily basis, but I think it just comes down to personal preference. I've heard good things about 16:8, but haven't tried it.

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@dianalynch I’ve moved to 16:8 (though I’m pretty relaxed if it becomes 15:9, or even 14:10 depending on what happening) and have found it really easy to maintain. Previously, I was a breakfast, lunch, dinner and late night snack person. The 16:8 means no late night snack (which 99% of the time would be chips or chocolate) and no breakfast. I don’t actually have to think about what I’m eating at lunch or dinner. I haven’t changed my portion sizes or the food I eat during those meals. The meals are just standard (spaghetti bolognaise, duck and vegetables, potato jackets last three dinners, whilst a chicken and salad roll, a salad and dumplings were last three lunches). I don’t feel like I am missing out on anything really. I happily go out for meals and just order whatever I feel like. It also means food isn’t in my thoughts often. It’s better for me not to concentrate on food details. 

And exercise. A fair whack of exercise. I do FAR more now. 

Ive lost over 13kg so far and I am now lower than what previously had been my steady weight of 65kg. I’d like to sit on 62kg, so 2 more to go. Once I reach that goal, may need to adjust my eating strategy as the exercise has been such a positive inclusion to my life. Physically and mentally, I am so much happier, stronger, healthier. The monthly Active threads really help to keep me accountable in this space. 

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I have another good medical update. My asthma specialist is very pleased with my test results and has reduced my number of preventers from three down to two. Based on how that goes, they'll look at reducing the dosage on my main preventer as well. They also said that I looked great. Feeling delighted right now. 😃

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I had a small scales victory today - the right side of 78 (eyesight and scales don't get more precise than that)

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I'm on a bit of a plateau after my O/S trip. I lost the 0.5kg that I gained while travelling, and now am bouncing around 58kg (10kg down). I've been snacking on my DS's mini packs of BBQ shapes and drinking too many cappuccinos when I'm out and about. It's time to get disciplined again.

Another non-weight loss ...I wouldn't say 'win'....notable change: I'm ordering new bras as my old ones are too big. Would really have preferred not to lose weight off my boobs which were already small. 

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@LifesGood I've lost a lot of weight in the bust as well, my bras tend to gape at the sides now. Would much rather it come off the tummy!


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I wish it would come off my bust. Instead it's come off my legs and my arms and a bit around the face, leaving the boobs and a bit of tummy. Though I did gain back a bit of a waist. I still hovering around the 62.9 mark. I've been slack with food lately though and need to fix that. I hate calorie counting. As I make stuff from scratch it does my head in trying to work out what is what. But I should give myself a goal to do it for 2-3 weeks again. Then off for a week or so and then do a short period of time again.

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I'm 3/4 of the way through the 4k I needed to lose to get back to a healthy weight for me.   Been agonisingly slow, 800 calories approx most days, up to nearly 100k per week on the bike, just started doing the two or three yogas a week at the gym (the tightness from bike riding was the impetus for that) and a gym workout the days I'm not doing either of those,.

Got an incredibly indulgent two weeks coming up as part of our next travel, otherwise I don't think I could have found it in me to get cracking, given I've been slack ever since I tore a tendon this time last year.

Sick to death of cottage cheese, but it's essential for protein with reduced energy intake, and it just works for me. I don't end up craving more food after eating it, whereas an egg on toast makes my brain go: MORE TOAST WITH AN INCH OF BUTTER PLEASE.


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1 hour ago, CrankyM said:

I wish it would come off my bust. Instead it's come off my legs and my arms and a bit around the face, leaving the boobs and a bit of tummy. Though I did gain back a bit of a waist. I still hovering around the 62.9 mark. I've been slack with food lately though and need to fix that. I hate calorie counting. As I make stuff from scratch it does my head in trying to work out what is what. But I should give myself a goal to do it for 2-3 weeks again. Then off for a week or so and then do a short period of time again.

@CrankyM I know someone who has the biggest breasts I think I've ever seen, and that includes on people who are morbidly obese. The first time I met her (acquaintance of my SIL) without even thinking about it, I assumed she was, as she was wearing a huge dress.     I met her again a few weeks later (it was when my FIL died) and she had size 8 - 10 pants on, and a t-shirt.  We actually had a bit of a chat about it (which she initiated - she teaches teenage boys if you can imagine) and decided we'd like to share - she found it impossible to find flattering dresses (I didn't tell her what I'd thought!), as did I because anything that fitted around my hips required a bit of help upstairs sometimes to avoid gaping.  At least I could 'add extra'.

Advantage of being a pear shape is a flat stomach, generally, but by late sixties that had also left the building. I'm really pleased that most of the 3kg that I've lost have come from there though - I thought I might lose it from elsewhere, and although my main objective is health, the second one is all of the pants that I own that fit me at the lower weight,

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