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Active November


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I'm just getting back to being active as I had a baby 4.5 months ago via C-section. I have been walking gently but I just got back to some walking workouts (Olivia Lawson on YouTube). I want to do a 40 minute fast walk or 30 minute workout five days a week.

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Had a full day meeting 1.5 hrs from home so got a total of just under 3000 steps all work day. 6km treadmill jog has bumped me up to 11,143, and I'll make 12000 before bed.

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I was very happy with my October goals and made it over 15000 steps a day for the majority of the month. Total steps taken for October was 477309, hopefully I can keep it up for this month. I also want to add in a 10 minute workout 3 times a week, as usually I’m so drained from work I come home and sit down for a few hours.

Yesterday I did 16172 steps and it will be likely only steps for the rest of the week as it is rather busy, so I’m aiming for my first 10 minute workout to be either Sunday or Tuesday. 

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Just popping in with a modest achievement of a few back stretches and a walk around the block. Setting a low bar so people feel comfortable in here whatever their goals or active achievements! There are some very active people in here! Small goals are ok too. I'm not able to do more at the moment so I'm focusing on tiny improvements.

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I woke up with a stiff & sore neck/shoulder/trap thing today. I can’t look up or turn without pain😭 so I haven’t done much other than walking the big boys to school & then walking straight home. So frustrating.🤕

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2 hours ago, kalanchoe said:

I woke up with a stiff & sore neck/shoulder/trap thing today. I can’t look up or turn without pain😭 so I haven’t done much other than walking the big boys to school & then walking straight home. So frustrating.🤕

That's the worst! My son woke up like this last week and couldn't go to school, work or do his weight training until it improved. 

Just finished my weight training for today. Got a bit of Running around to do this arvo otherwise I'd be spending the arvo working on my butt imprint on my couch. 

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I am just back from a walk. I was going to do my second run for the week but then remembered I have team sport tonight so thought better of it. Will run tomorrow C25K. 

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I don’t know what happened there anyways I shall continue…

After I reset my back I’m looking forward to a 40 minute ride and then a bubble bath 🥰

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On 01/11/2023 at 8:28 AM, littlebirdy said:

I'd like to join in - this month I really want to get my fitness back on track after being sick a lot of October. I like youtube workouts, a mixture of strength & cardio. Plus long walks up around the hills 😊 This morning I did a booty band cardio & strength workout and I will be feeling the glutes tomorrow!! I try to do 4 youtube work outs a week plus walking when I can.

I have to travel for work next week though which always gets in the way of my exercise routine!

Aaah, work travel!! I have this coming up too.

My only promise to myself for those days is Yoga before bed.

I have reflected, and think I need to set my goals for a week

Steps: 77,000 (8000 on a work day, 13,000 on the others, plus a bonus 1,000 over the week).

Calories burned: 7 day average of 2100

Spin bike: 1-4 rides

Yoga: 1-5

The mix of spin and yoga will depend on which week and how much travel.

Gah. I haven't even started the travel yet and I am already mainlining chocolate and sleeping poorly...

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Only just made my step goal yesterday with 15009 steps, but my active minutes were quite high at 64 minutes so I’m happy with that.

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11 hours ago, Mose said:

Aaah, work travel!! I have this coming up too.

My only promise to myself for those days is Yoga before bed.

I have reflected, and think I need to set my goals for a week

Steps: 77,000 (8000 on a work day, 13,000 on the others, plus a bonus 1,000 over the week).

Calories burned: 7 day average of 2100

Spin bike: 1-4 rides

Yoga: 1-5

The mix of spin and yoga will depend on which week and how much travel.

Gah. I haven't even started the travel yet and I am already mainlining chocolate and sleeping poorly...

Yeah I really don't enjoy the travel - I'm exactly the same, it's occupying my mind before I even go! I hate the interruption to my routine.

Great idea with the yoga. I need to 'assign' myself something or else I just collapse into bed at the end of the day.

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50 glorious minutes on the treadmill and a rather impressive energy output today. Now I'm sitting here in soggy clothes because I forgot to bring a change into the house this morning, my husband is in bed asleep and I don't want to risk waking him. I even left my bloody slippers in there. Brrrrrrrr.

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I’m still a bit stiff & sore today and I had a crap sleep last night, but still managed to push the pram up to school drop off & then did 30 minutes of cardio, strength & core at the gym.✅💪🏼
So now I shall reward myself by sitting around for the rest of the day & getting some more of my online Christmas shopping done.

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@Willa May - I’d risk waking him. I think you can be stealth. From memory, wet clothes are very uncomfortable for you. I’m sure your partner would understand wanting to be dry. 
I meet my steps goal this morning and just finished my second C25K session. Feeling good! 

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Omg @UnknownUser. I love that you remember that about me. Yes I despise wet clothing. I'm all dry now, he woke up at 12:30 so I didn't have to be uncomfortable for too long. As soon as he woke up I ran into our room tearing my clothes off yelling "wet clothes, wet clothes". Our room is very very dark, so he can sleep during the day. There's no way I'd be able to fossick in there without waking him, or hurting myself lol. I'm usually well prepared and have spare clothes and shoes in the main part of the house. Or I can pinch some of the kids off the clothes horses. Not today though .

I think I'm going to really enjoy watching your C25 progress. Maybe I'll give it a go myself next month. 

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Glad it was short lived @Willa May

It’s been lots of fun (says the person who has done 2 sessions 🤣). I think I am far more likely to succeed and sustain because the interval process really lets me concentrate on technique - breathing and stride.

Love a C25K buddy - though I think you are way ahead of me already! I was thinking about asking a friend to do it with me but I feel like it’s something you need to do solo in the fact that it’s altered based on your responses after each session and even the speed at which each person runs is so different.  So if I have yourself (or/and others) it would be really nice! 

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Are you doing it outside @UnknownUser or on a treadmill? I think i'll keep doing intervals (4min run, 4mi  walk for 40min) for this month to make sure my ankle is good to go and to really get comfortable with my new foot strike, then I really think I will have a crack. 

Many many many years ago, like 17, I used to run. I sometimes ran with a friend but much preferred to run alone. We have a wonderful track here. Treadmill running is new to me. I will be doing the C25 on my treadmill if/when I do it. 

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